Read this before you start
Some of the sections that are created will not work in the visual builder. These sections are:
- Sliding CTA Bright
- Custom Footer
You can change the content and color of these sections in Divi > Divi Library this will be explained in this documentation
Installing Bright Child Theme
Before we begin, make sure you have Divi installed on WordPress before installing this child theme. Do this on a fresh WordPress installation.
Important: Only install the Divi theme, not the Divi builder (the Divi theme includes the Divi builder if you install both then this can cause conflicts).
The Divi theme is not included in this package. To download Divi, you must have an Elegant Themes Membership.
Images have been replaced due to licensing.
The images that are used are from
The page links from buttons and logo are removed, so you need to relink those to the right pages.
Step 1
Download and unzip the ‘’ file to your computer.
Step 2
In your WordPress dashboard navigate to Appearance > Themes and click on Add New.
Locate the file in the Bright_Child_Theme_UNPACKME folder on your computer and then click Install Now.
When the install is complete click on ‘Activate’, you will then see the Bright Child Theme as the active theme in your theme panel.
Step 3
Go to Divi > Theme Options. Click on the import/export options (up/down arrow).
Click on Import and upload Bright Theme Options.json.
Go to Divi > Theme Builder. Click on the import/export options.
Click on Import and upload Bright Theme Builder Templates.json.
Go to Divi > Theme Customisation. Click on the import/export options (up/down arrow).
Click on Import and upload Bright Customizer Settings.json.
Go to Divi > Divi Library. Click on the import/export options.
Click on Import and upload Bright Builder Layouts.json.
Step 4
Go to Pages > Add New. Give your page a name for example Home.
In the Divi Builder Click on Load Layout then click on Your Saved Layouts.
Here you will find all the pages from the demo. Load the Home page Bright and publish it.
To add the other pages as in the demo you do the same steps as above. Create a new page for example About us. Then you go Load Layout then click on Your Saved Layouts and pick the page layout you want to use.
Step 5
Go to Appearance > Menus and create a menu and add your page(s) to it.
Go to Settings > Reading. Check A static page
Set Homepage: to your home page
Leave the post page unset
Add images to the grid
The row of the grid has a background image with a blue gradient. You can change this image and gradient by opening the row and go to background.
Add background images for each column on hover
Step 1
Upload 6 images in your media library that you want to use as a backgound when you hover over a column. Upload images that have atleast a size of 1240x630px. I do recommend to make the mb size of the images as low as possible.
Step 2
Go to appreance > editor scroll down to around line 80 and you will see this:
At line 84, 88, 92, 96, 101 and 105 you can replace INSERT_IMAGE_URL_HERE with the images you just uploaded in step 1. image_grid_1_hover is for column 1 etc.
How to get the image link
To get the image link go to your media library and click on the image you want to use as a background.
Then replace INSERT_IMAGE_URL_HERE with your image, like this:
Do the same for the others.
Step 3
When you did the steps above your image grid will work. However the images will start loading until you hover over a column this will cause a small delay. To avoid this we need to preload the images. At line 113 to 118 you can insert the same URL’s that you did previous.
Customize Slide-in
To customize the slide-in go to:
Divi > Theme Builder and open the Global Header
And change to wireframe mode
Now you can see and change the slide-in.
How to activate the slide-in
You can activate the slide-in with any button or link.
For example you want to add a button module somewere on your page and when you click on it the slide-in needs to appear.
There are 2 things you need to do:
The link needs to be #slideopen. You can replace slideopen with something else if you like but it need to have the # symbol before.
Go to the advanced tab > CSS ID & Classes and add this CSS class sliding_button_cta in the CSS Class field